Derek is our head of Customer Services. He is always keen on people who use the reptile bedding. He loves nothing more than to sit-and do nothing.
Alvin is a very much loved tortoise who lives on the Wirral. Thanks to Mike and Pat for signing off his contract-he is a great friend of Kritters.
Melchy is one of two brothers featured on Kritters. He can be naughty but insists it is not his fault.
This is the other troublesome brother. He says 'it wasn't him' Sound familiar?
Col was taken from us way to soon. She had a personality all of her own and was a great member of the family. She knew where the toaster was!
Hammy works for Critters Comfort. He enjoys product testing and mixing with the stars-although some of the others would eat him if they had the chance-that's you Sammy Snake!